Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Multimedia Trend and Technology

					View Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): Journal of Multimedia Trend and Technology

Topic: Information System and Media

Identity: Volume 2, Issue 3, December 2023

Language: English

In this third issue in volume 2, JMTT will provide topics on the environment information system and media and how information technology media and the surrounding environment work together. How much influence the media has on the environment? As well as what kind of media technology is suitable for the information system in the environment.

Published: 2023-12-01


  • Design of Children's Game "Buddhist Relics" to Introduce the History of Civilization and Culture in Borobudur Temple

    Amelia Eka Pratiwi, Zephan Ali Yafi, Sartono
    126 - 134
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35671/jmtt.v2i3.38
  • Educational Introduction to ASEAN Countries for Class VIII Middle School Students Using Game Media

    Muhammad Aji, Hafizh Nur Fauzi
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35671/jmtt.v2i3.39
  • Hijaiyah Letter Learning Media Application for Early Age Muslim Children Based on Android

    Pandu Surya Nugraha, Fika Putri Mardiani
    144 - 151
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35671/jmtt.v2i3.40
  • Design of TOEFL English Exam Simulation Application Model for Trisila Dharma Polytechnic Student Environment

    Risda Purwanti, Rismayanti Putri
    152 - 161
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35671/jmtt.v2i3.41
  • Modeling and Design for a Sun Tracker Prototype Using Solar Cell and Arduino

    Yuliadi Fajar Pangestu, Irfan Santiko
    162 - 170
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35671/jmtt.v2i3.42
  • Black Box Testing Using the Equivalence Partitions Technique to Test the Functionality of the Ternaku.id Website

    Arif Amrulloh, Abednego Dwi Septiadi, Maryona Septiara, Pramudya Adi Wicaksono
    171 - 178
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35671/jmtt.v2i3.43
  • Design of Citizen Fund Management Applications in Village Level Communities Case Study: Financial Manager for Pandanaran Village Residents, Banjarnegara

    Choirul Arif, Arifudin Hamzah, Himmatur Reza
    179 - 188
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35671/jmtt.v2i3.44