About the Journal




Journal of Multimedia Trend and Technology is an online journal that is organized and managed independently by a consortium of multimedia and visual communication design lecturers. JMTT is an open-access journal that is provided for researchers, lecturers, and students who will publish research results in the field of all of the things about Digitalized Multimedia and its process.

Currently, JMTT is under the auspices of the Amikom University Purwokerto higher education organization, with the management of the Multimedia, Game, and Mobile Apps Study Center together with Educollabs.

Scientific Journal of Multimedia Trend and Technology as JMTT. JMTT is a forum for writers of scientific articles from Indonesia. JMTT is a scientific publication media under the auspices of software development company Edu-Collabs, and managed by the Multimedia and Information Technology community in the Banyumas area of Indonesia. JMTT publishes at least 3 times a year with issues including multimedia, information technology, digital media, multimedia information systems, and digital media platforms.

Together with the multimedia and information technology family, JMTT provides the latest issues related to what technologies are currently becoming popular in the multimedia world. This journal also provides the latest reference facilities for later scientific article writers. 



Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Multimedia Trend and Technology
					View Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Multimedia Trend and Technology

Topic: Development of information technology models through software engineering methods

Identity: Volume 3, Issue 2, August 2024

Language: English

JMTT continues its discussion of advancements in the field of information technology across a variety of media in this second issue of volume 3. The idea of creating software models according to the requirements of the qualities they possess unites many of the writers on this issue. Ten authors with a range of affiliations have contributed to this edition.

Published: 2024-08-17


  • UI/UX Design Modeling on Chatting and Forum Applications Using Design Thinking

    Arya Rezza Anantya, Anugerah Bagus Wijaya, Suliswaningsih Suliswaningsih
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35671/jmtt.v3i2.68
  • Redesign of the "Si Bangga" Application at the Purbalingga Narcotics Agency Using the Design Sprint Method

    Reza Eka Nuraziz, Aulia Hamdi
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35671/jmtt.v3i2.69
  • Designing an Educational Video About the Dangers of Software Piracy Using 2D-Based Motion Graphic Techniques

    Endah Puspitawati, Herjuna Ardi Prakosa
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35671/jmtt.v3i2.70
  • Movie Recommendation System Model using Bisecting K-Means Technique and Collaborative Filtering

    Hernawati Gohzali, Dita Maria Panjaitan
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35671/jmtt.v3i2.71
  • Comparison of the Work Process Methods for Scale Invariant Feature Transform and Sum of Squared Difference in Image Mosaic

    Anteng Widodo, Syariful Ikhwan, Irfan Santiko
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35671/jmtt.v3i2.72
  • Supplementary Factual Data An Encyclopaedia of Land Transportation Models in Jakarta Using Multimedia Technologies

    Dharmayanti, Dimas Dwi Permana
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35671/jmtt.v3i2.73
  • Micro Controller Modeling On Digital FX Pedal For Guitar And Bass Using Arduino Pro Micro

    Hanafi Dana Bastyan, Putri Febi Utami
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35671/jmtt.v3i2.74
  • English Educational Game Modeling Using Goal Directed Design Method

    Maria Lupita, Theresia Ambarwati
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35671/jmtt.v3i2.75
  • Modeling Analysis of Arts and Culture Interest in Student Communities in Banyumas Using Talent Interest Matrix

    Ariadne Tiara Hapsari, Khurida Banatuzka
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.35671/jmtt.v3i2.76
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